21st March – 29th March 2023
Each year Levin Intermediate School hosts a group of students from Dokkyo Saitama Junior High School, Tokyo, Japan - boys and girls visit, with two teachers accompanying them. They are all 14 & 15 years old. All students at Levin Intermediate are welcome to apply to host.
Out hosting arrangements with Dokkyo Saitama JHS are not financial ones, meaning we do not charge a fee to the visitors, unlike many of the arrangements at secondary level. This is a reciprocal arrangement built on good will. As hosts accommodation and food is provided for the visitor. During the visit there will be a day trip, which your child would be invited to participate in – it will be lots of fun and a great opportunity to spend quality time with the Japanese group. Information regarding this trip will be sent out in the new year. You will be expected to pay for your own child, but not the Japanese student. The weekend during the visit is left free so that families can arrange their own activities i.e., a trip to the beach or anything you think appropriate.
If this is something you would like to explore please return the expression of interest form at the bottom of this notice. Please be aware that all member of the household over the age of 18 will need to submit to a Police Vetting application.
We are excited to offer this opportunity to experience first hand the Japanese culture.
Please feel free to email the school office if you have any questions. office@lis.school.nz.
Every 2nd Year – Our next trip is term 3, 2023!
We take a group of approximately 15-20 students over to Japan every 2nd year. We hold an information evening for all of those Year 7 students and their whanau who are interested. We then be ask Year 7 students to apply to be considered for this experience. Students must consistently demonstrate the 3Rs – being respectful, resilient and responsible to be considered for this amazing opportunity. Be prepared to support fundraising efforts and attend school no less than 90% of the time.